Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You vs. You

So after work yesterday (Monday) I needed to hit the road for a nice run....I decided might as well make it 8k. while I was passing my normal 5K route I was just thinking about running as a sport, and pretty much figured out why, out of everything I could have done this summer to get into shape, I picked running.

It was pretty simple now that I think about it...I've always played team sports growing up mainly football...and I'm sure many can relate, that team sports are about having support from your teammates, and making sure you do your part to contribute etc...

Now the difference with running, is that the only person out there is you. Even more so, the only person you're competing against is....yourself, you don't feel like running? go watch TV, raining out? play some x-box, too hot? go drink some beer...bottom line is the only thing that stops you from doing it is you.

And that's it...I wanted to challenge myself, and the only one who can be accountable for failing, quiting, complaining or not reaching my goals is me.

Now you might think its an easy thing to do, just run all the time, but I find it to be a lot more of a mental workout then a physical one...not to say that its not physically tough, but think about this...

when your working on an assignment, cutting the grass, or scratching your ass, and you need a break....no problem, you can take 5 and get back to it later...but with running the whole point is to push yourself to new limits. so when your legs start to burn, or you feel pain you just gotta push through it.

lets be honest now, I am not a runner at all, the one thing that I have on my side is being tough mentally. I think I've learned this from playing football, but I've played with broken bones, sprained, ankles, wrists etc...might not have been the best choice in hindsight, but its part of the sport.

From that I know what the body is capable of doing...yeah sometimes you can over do it, but in the end this "sport" definitely has the ability to separate the men from the boys (not to be sexist or anything)

Wanna challenge?

Go run

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Follow Me!!! Not Twitter

So its Thursday May 13th and its raining...so what else is there to do aside from staying in? how about 5K...sounds good.

First I would like to thank my previous employer who shall not be named (KS) for supplying me with a multitude of training gear for any weather. New balance is the only thing that touches my body hahaha (thats for Figs) its an inside joke, anyways... seriously everything I run in is New Balance...the shoes, socks, shirts, jacket etc. Not that I know any other brands other then Nike I'm going to have to say that the New Balance stuff gets the job done well.

I'm sure you've noticed that I don't really care about organizing my thoughts so I'm just going to write whatever....

first....you wanna know what I listen to when I run?

well Im not in the mood to write it out right now, but I have some Jay-Z, Notorious BIG, P-diddy, Drake, Lil Wayne...then switch it up with some rise against, rage against the machine, beasty boys, and a bunch more that I can't think of...eventually I'll put up a play list for ya

I was killing time at work today and was reading a whole bunch of articles on running, and what not and I came across a bunch of cool ones

There was one by Simon Whitfield...(2 time Canadian Olympic medalist) it was about your pace while you run...in fact even more specifically was training your pace if that makes sense to you...so that you basically have a pace memorized for your run. If you wanna get into running definitely a great read.

here's the link


another thing I came across today was a pretty cool gadget made by adidas its called the MiCoach...it's pretty much a watch, heart rate monitor, run pacer, and miniature coach. I though it was a pretty awesome little thing...it actually speaks to you through head phones, and is compatible with any mp3 player....it tell you about your pace, whether to speed up or slow down, or keep up the good work, based on a test run, and your progression. definitely a cool tool check it out

here's the link


what else.....how about my training schedule?


My race is October 17th...now you might think that's lot's of time...but I'm not the kind of person who is just doing this for the sake of doing it...since this is a "Race" I'm in it to win it now I already know I'm probably not going to win, but my goal is to at least beat 50% of the people in it...Now last year there were 200 people in my age category which is 24 and under...the winner did it in 1:10:59 and the 100th person did it in 1:54 so that's my benchmark I need to beat, and I can only go up from there.

Back to today...I ran 5k (5.28 exactly) in 24:36 which puts me on pace give or take for a 2 hour 20k my 5k goal is under 22 minutes easily now today might not be the best considering the rain, and the temperature, and me snot rocketing every few blocks but you get the point.

Another thing is, ever now and then I see someone I know when I'm running and thanks for the honk, or the TSIAKOS!!!! out the window...its much appreciated...I'm gonna post my route so you can come swing by and yell obscenities if you see me, its motivating

this is my normal 5k


Next I wanna tell you about me a bit more if you care...or just scroll on a bit more....

lets call today day 1 for benchmarking sake here are my stats

Hight 5'10
Weight 192 lbs (and jacked) hahaha

I was at the gym and was talking to this huge black dude who works there as a trainer about my running and first thing he says is you can't run 20k like that...you're too big...I said duhhh...I asked have any advice? he said get small.... I thought no way.....re-tard haha end of story....just thought it was funny

ummm that's all I got for now...thanks for reading

oh anddddd this has a bunch of cool stuff you should check out if you're in to running and what not or thinking of getting into it


please say you like it on my facebook that would be swell :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Begining

Soooo....all of the sudden I decided to try this whole running thing again and so far its been pretty good. while I was at school in Guelph my roommate Jeff said I should come to yoga help with my flexibility. I think that was the TSN turning point for me because since then i've been on a "healthy lifestyle" trip.

I started by completely changing my diet from red meat/pasta, and all the other junk food a student would eat, to tons of fresh vegetables and lean protein, not to mention going to the gym consistently as well as "extra curricular" activities ;) which brings me to where I am now.

Back at home for the summer, and not wanting to fall in to the same routine I needed to set a goal so October 17th I'm running the Toronto Half marathon I figured that it was a great place to start 20k it's a pretty big run for someone like me weighing almost 200 pounds, I clearly don't have a runners physic. So my plan is to embark on a 12 week training program to get me ready for this even, which gives me a few more weeks then I need, but being summer and all, I'm sure that I might have to indulge on a few beverages every now and then to keep me sane.

So far I've been running 3-5 times a week usually around 5 k a run, also Instead of driving to the gym I've been running there instead its 3.28 km each way. Sometimes I even impress myself haha

so feel free to follow me and cheer me on through out my training and hope to see you at the finish line!


P.S I don't do editing